BloodStorm Painkiller Fragmovie

A Movie by Paindemonium with the best Frags of the Painkiller Duel Cup #2

Featuring frags from HeGe, [de]sK1p, [de]killua-chan, [de]Question and MPK|Zwiastun,

Directed by: Paindemoium
Players: Various
Resolution: 706×480
Framerate: 25 fps
Codec: x264
Length: 4:42

Low Quality (mirror 2) 37MB
High Quality (mirror 2) 142MB
Best Quality (mirror 2) 353MB
(use save as target)
Wipido Stream
own3d Stream

those with x264 playback problems on VLC, try Media Player Classic with latest ffdshow Painkiller 2on2 Cup

Hey lovely Painkiller players,

im proud to announce that we are trying to run a Painkiller 2on2 Cup at Sunday 16.11.08 18:00CET

You can find all informations about the Cup at or in irc

You are looking for a team mate to play the Cup?
Join our Channel #painkiller.euro in IRC Quakenet
or join the official Cupchannel

Admins will be mason and BoBel

Best regards


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