A new version of PK++ is now available for download through the almighty Steamfish tool, which upgrades the current version to
The new version includes some bug fixes and changes which you can read below:
FIX: Shotgun ammo now showing in specmode
FIX: Player demos are named from POV player first – does not apply to spectator demos
FIX: Restartmap during final scoreboard causing spectator lockout
ADD: Minimal self-integrity and validation check
ADD: Public notification on server when a non-pk++ client is being used. Cfg.ImpureClientWarning
ADD: TeamScoresShadow | Cfg.TeamScoresShadow for font shadow
ADD: ShowPingX ShowPingY | Cfg.ShowPingX Cfg.ShowPingY for ShowPing position.
ADD: playdemo and recorddemo command aliases
CHANGE: Text shadow effects increased slightly – optional to disable for each HUD item
CHANGE: Small position changes on some HUD items
CHANGE: Quad respawn time set to 2 minutes
As usual, if you have any feedback on PK++ or would just like to suggest something, please email mods@pkeuro.com and we will try to get back to you ASAP.