After a really nice show at GIGA eSports i
Also i want to thank DaFi who recorded the Show for us.
I want to see a lot of Downloads at the 360eSports page. 🙂
You can Download the record ->>> Here <<<-
After a really nice show at GIGA eSports i
Also i want to thank DaFi who recorded the Show for us.
I want to see a lot of Downloads at the 360eSports page. 🙂
You can Download the record ->>> Here <<<-
Since I have never seen this anywhere else, I thought I would post ALL the valid PK commandline options. The most interesting is probably the optional hardware class option (+hwclass). The rest are fairly well known.
+connect [xx.xx.xx.xx>]
+playrecording [demo name]
+name [player name]
+map [map name]
+interface [xx.xx.xx.xx]
+speed [0,1,2,3]
+port [xxxx]
+maxfps [xx]
+password [xxxxxx]
+hwclass [tnl, nv20, nv25, r200, nv30, nv40]