360|mason @ GIGAeSports

After a really nice show at GIGA eSports im really proud to give the people who cant watch the Live show the link to download the record of the Show.
Im very happy about the record because the Quality is OK. Next week i will get the original DVD with 100% Quality.
Also i want to thank DaFi who recorded the Show for us.
I want to see a lot of Downloads at the 360eSports page. 🙂

You can Download the record ->>> Here <<<-

PK Command Line Options

Since I have never seen this anywhere else, I thought I would post ALL the valid PK commandline options. The most interesting is probably the optional hardware class option (+hwclass). The rest are fairly well known. +speed is your connection speed, 0=modem, etc.


+connect [xx.xx.xx.xx>]
+playrecording [demo name]
+name [player name]
+map [map name]
+interface [xx.xx.xx.xx]
+speed [0,1,2,3]
+port [xxxx]
+maxfps [xx]
+password [xxxxxx]
+hwclass [tnl, nv20, nv25, r200, nv30, nv40]