MR-Gaming is searching for Painkiller players.
We search active people who want to play Painkiller 2 soon.
Also we are searching some members to practice for cups and to have fun
with each other.
If you are interested visit or #MR.Painkiller #MR-Gaming
at IRC Quakenet. ICQ: 239-497-051 (mason)
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Painkiller 2? :ooo, hopefully it will come soon. Goodluck with finding people!
painkiller 2!! im not waiting for anything else…i just hope they will take more focus on weapon balancing this time.
1. PCF no longer are contracted by DC who own the rights to Painkiller, they now are working for THQ.
2. IF there is a PK2 outsourced to some developer by DC, I suspect it is unlikely to include MP considering how burnt their fingers are in that regard after PK.
We search active people who want to play Painkiller 2 soon.
Enough of this PK2, how can you wait for PK2? There will be no PK2…
PK is goog (on LAN)