
I have made a complete MonsterList.txt with all (230) aviable monsters from PK/BooH.

Please post wich monsters you are planing to test in the comments! Like PeTjA from monster 0-20. So we can avoid doubletesting!

For testing try to create small groups with different sizes of the monsters etc.

If U get LScript-errors post them in the comments from your /Bin/script_error.log. And if possible the line from the *.lua that causes the error.

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0 thoughts on “Monsterlist

  1. Friday, June 29, 2007 17:31:53:

    from the Alastor.lua:

    local dist = Dist3D(x,y,z, brain.Target._groundx, brain.Target._groundy + 1.5, brain.Target._groundz)


    from Amput_zombie_barf.lua:

    local distToPlayer = Dist2D(x,z,self._AIBrain.Target._groundx,self._AIBrain.Target._groundz)

    … more will come

  2. ./Data/LScripts/Templates/Monsters/Bat/Bat.lua:258:OnUpdate

    from LUA:
    self._AIBrain.Target:OnDamage(aiParams.weaponDamage * FRand(0.6, 1.4),actor,0)


    from LUA:
    brain._batflySndSrc = Vector:New(self._AIBrain.Target.Pos.X + FRand(1,2), self._AIBrain.Target.Pos.Y, self._AIBrain.Target.Pos.Z + FRand(1,2))


    from LUA:
    if self._AIBrain.Target then actor:RotateToVector(self._AIBrain.Target._groundx,self._AIBrain.Target._groundy,self._AIBrain.Target._groundz) end

    … nomore tests today for me. 😀

  3. First: The BreakBoyTranfsormed.CActor is original wrong written. O?O
    Maybe he and other things will still work if we rename him.

    Same goes to the Beast_agrresive (3 of them). But the Boy´s and the Beasts all work fine. So maybe never touch a running system …


    from LUA:
    if math.random(100) < 20 and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target and not self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target._poisoned then

  4. I remember this one. If Ur fix i applyed works i think i can fix this myself:

    [string “../Data/LScripts/Templates/Monsters/HellAngel/Gas.lua”]:37: `then’ expected near `self’

    from LUA:
    if self.ObjOwner self.ObjOwner._AIBrain and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target.Health > 0 then

    This one was caused by HellAngel_V3:


    from LUA:
    return math.sqrt( (x-x1)*(x-x1) + (y-y1)*(y-y1) + (z-z1)*(z-z1) )

  5. [q]I remember this one. If Ur fix i applyed works i think i can fix this myself:

    [string “../Data/LScripts/Templates/Monsters/HellAngel/Gas.lua”]:37: `then’ expected near `self’

    from LUA:
    if self.ObjOwner self.ObjOwner._AIBrain and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target.Health > 0 then[/q]

    LOL, this was the one with the 2 and´s (we removed one). So what to do now? Change all AIBrain into brain?
    Drop me a line blowfish, so i can fix and test them again after i awaked …

  6. [q]Blowfish says: basically if the function already refers to brain, we use brain rather than self._AIBrain[/q]
    … i will try later O_O

  7. After reading Line 37 again and again and oncemore:

    Now the Gas(MolotovCocktail) dont cause a crash (if i get hit) … but it also does no damage. And the Flames dont burn.

    Thats what i have changed:
    if self.ObjOwner [b]==[/b] self.ObjOwner._AIBrain and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target.Health > 0 then

  8. should be

    if self.ObjOwner and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target.Health > 0 then

    which basically means if there is an object owner, and if there is a brain of the object owner, and if there is a target of the brain of the object owner, and if the health of the target of the brain of the object owner is greater than zero, then

  9. [q]Thats what i have changed:
    if self.ObjOwner == self.ObjOwner._AIBrain and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target and self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target.Health > 0 then[/q]

    Why would the object owner ever be equal to his brain?

  10. ./Data/LScripts/Templates/Monsters/Lucifer/Lucifer.lua:86:CustomOnDeath

    from LUA:
    Game._EarthQuakeProc:Add(brain.Target._groundx,brain.Target._groundy,brain.Target._groundz, self.demonFXTimeAfterDeath*30, 999, 0.27, 0.27, 1.0)

    from LUA:
    actor:RotateToVector(self._AIBrain.Target._groundx, self._AIBrain.Target._groundy, self._AIBrain.Target._groundz)

    … 141-160 now

  11. ./Data/LScripts/Templates/Monsters/Officer/BombParts.CItem:57:OnUpdate

    from CItem (caused by MSN?):
    local dist = Dist3D(self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target._groundx,
    self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target._groundy,self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target._groundz,self.Pos.X, self.Pos.Y, self.Pos.Z)


    from LUA:
    self._angleDest = math.atan2(tx – self._groundx, tz – self._groundz)

  12. ./Data/LScripts/Templates/Monsters/Skeleton_soldier/Can.lua:31:OnUpdate

    from LUA:
    local dist = Dist3D(self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target._groundx, self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target._groundy, self.ObjOwner._AIBrain.Target._groundz, x,y,z)

    from LUA:
    func = function(i,v) v:Tick(delta) end

    … continuing 201-215

  13. ./Data/LScripts/Templates/Monsters/Thor/ThorMlot.lua:42:OnDamage

    from LUA:
    owner._AIBrain._lastHitByEnemyPos = Vector:New(self._AIBrain.Target._groundx,self._AIBrain.Target._groundy,self._AIBrain.Target._groundz)

  14. I just had a small short test with a bunch of Clowns on a dedicated server. There movement looks a bit strange and i dont see any bullets and stuff but i get the damage. Also if i kill them, they just disapear.

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