I want to say “F*** Off”, because i`m angry about theres no PK-TDM-aktivity in 3on3 or 4on4! Why not!?!?!?! Pk could be a very good game in TDM, so why theres no leage-aktivity in 3on3 or 4on4. And dont say the Net-code is too bad for it,…i played a lot 3on3 on DM_Illuminati with my friends and clan-members and it runs good and makes a lot of fun.
Maybee someone can kick the peoples Ass to open a 3on3 leage or 4on4. I build a TDM-Map in Quake-Style, i will release it next week^^,…so please try it with ur friends in 3on3 or maybee 4on4,…it brings much fun,…so look for DM_K3Angeldust ^^…i hope u enjoy it
So if there any TDM-Freaks out there (i know there are^^) please contact us for practise www.Die-Verlorenen-Seelen.de ICQ:280-169-736
by ^K3rN!